Teenage boy's bedroom makeover-West Kirby

I was set the challenge of creating a bedroom for a boy about to enter the tricky teenage years! The room was created (they needed another bedrrombecause he was sharing with his younger Brother), by converting their current garage space. Beforehand, the space was used as a dumping ground for old toys and clothes, as you can see from the pics! I met with my little young client and we talked about his ideas, we sat and pinned some ideas on Pinterest - I wanted him to feel like he was creating his room, and I was just the facilitator. The room needed to have longevity in its design, spave for studying and storage and of course reflect his personality. I had a few industrial style pieces of furniture in the shop, and he really liked these. I used one such piece as the basis for the whole room design. The walls were painted in F&B 'Ammonite', it's white with a touch of grey. I used a local joiner to create a large headboard, from pallets. They were sanded and slightly stained and I kept bedding simple but striking; black with white stars. The joiner built the desk that spans from wall to wide, so books can be spread out allowing space and comfort when working. Shelves either side provided lots of storage for books and folders plus the space to display all his trophies and medals. I had the door and drawer fronts painted in alternate shades to match the sideboard piece beside his bed. An Ikea wardrobe was added and a foam chair that folds out into a single bed, for friends to sleepover. Another wall mounted industrial style cabinet with hooks was added to hang a dressing gown and bags (bought from Bought with Love). Overall, a grown up room fit for purpose, that reflects the personality of this special young man.